Assignments are given on a daily basis. All homework is due when the bell rings at 8:00 a.m. the next morning. There will be a few assignments and projects that will be given a different timeline. All work must be completed in the student's own handwriting, for credit to be awarded. All work must be completed in the student's own handwriting, for credit to be awarded.
Homework Folders (yellow folder) will be sent home daily with incomplete classwork and homework for math.
Assignment Notebook
All students need to have a planner. It is their responsibility to fill it out each day and have the teacher sign it. Please check these each night to see if your child has homework. I will initial at the bottom of each day to verify that the planner is correct. Please sign it each evening so I know that you have checked as well. The planners are also a great way to communicate with school and Mrs. Walters.
Attendance is very important. Please try to schedule appointments after school or on days we don't have school. If your child is absent, please call Mrs. Ludwig in the office at 858-9005 by 9:00 a.m.
Reward System
Students will be given an allowance of classroom dollars at the beginning of each week (in google drive spreadsheet). It is there job to keep these classroom dollars to spend in the classroom store and for admission to a classroom party at the end of the month.
Students may loose their dollars due to:
~Missing or late homework.
~Not paying attention.
~Being disruptive.
~Anything the teacher deems inappropriate.
Accelerated Reader
Students will need to meet their individual goals. Progress on goals will be on the Friday Newsletter. Incentives will be given each quarter and an award will be given at the end of the year.
Educational Trips
Fourth graders attend a 3 day/2 night outdoor education trip to Lorado Taft Field Campus in Oregon, Illinois. Assignments will be given and students will be expected to participate as they would regularly at school. Students are asked to pay $30 towards meals, lodging, and supplies for the trip.