School Nurse

Lisa Haas, RN
River Ridge CUSD #210 District School Nurse
Contact Information
Phone: 815-858-9005 ext. 333
Fax: 815-858-9006
Hours: 7:30-3:30pm
Health Links
Instructions for Treating Headlice
A very informative site with pictures detailing how to identify and treat head lice.
Jo Daviess County Health Department
Great resource for local health care & concerns
Leading Medical Expert on Lice and other Parasites
Dr. Richard Pollack is a world-renowned expert on head lice, bed bugs, and other parasites.
About Me
I am Nurse Lisa. I graduated from River Ridge High School and Highland Community College. I am married to Lloyd, and we have four daughters who all have (or still do) attend River Ridge. Prior to joining the River Ridge staff 18 years ago, I have worked in Labor & Delivery, Pediatrics and at various Doctors' offices. My philosophy of school nursing is that I am here to keep kids in school. If there is a way that I can help them make it through the day, I will.
In my "spare" time I run the clock and keep book for Volleyball, Girl's Basketball and Softball. My favorite thing to do is attend my daughter's sporting events. I like to read, play cards, swim, play computer games and spend time on Apple Canyon Lake in the summer.
Physicals and Immunizations are due 10/15/24
All students in Preschool, Kindergarten, 6th and 9th grade are required to have a physical on file by October 15th. Please use the Child Health Examination form below and get that turned in as soon as possible! If you have an appointment scheduled please let Nurse Haas know.
Kindergarten Vision Exam
All students in Kindergarten are required to have a Vision exam or waiver on file by October 15th.
Important Forms Information
State Requirements:
Students entering Preschool (for the first time), Kindergarten, 6th & 9th grades MUST have a recent (after 09/01 of the previous year) IDPH/DHS physical form turned in by the 15th of October.
Students entering Kindergarten, 2nd, 6th & 9th grades MUST have a recent (within 18 months) Dental exam form turned in by May 15th.
All Students 7th-12th grade that participate in ANY extracurricular sports must have a yearly IHSA Sports physical and waiver on file.
1. Go to the website. Click "Family Access" at the top right corner.
2. Log into Skyward using your parent login and password.
3. When you are logged in, find the "Online Forms" tab along the left side. Click it.
4. A box will open with your students’ names listed in it.
Next to Sports Waiver, click the blue link “Fill out this form”.
Click Step 1 at the right and complete the entire form.
Click “Next Step” or “Complete step 1 and go to step 2”.
Lastly, click “Submit form”.
All Kindergarten and new-to-the-district students must have a Illinois Vision Exam form on file.