GREAT NEWS!! River Ridge’s 2024 Fall Book Fair will be held in the RR Library starting on Thursday, October 3rd-4th, 7th-10th
Closes at the end of the day Thursday the 10th
Book Fair hours will be open from
8:00am - 3:30pm in the Library
Also open October 8th - 3:30-5:00
Then you can go to the High School Volleyball Game!
We will be accepting cash, credit cards & checks Please make all checks out to River Ridge,
as all profits from this Book Fair goes towards books for the library ~
Please make sure you add in 7.25% sales tax for all purchases
Check out the Book Fair Website at : https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/riverridgeelemschool
Once again parents can set up an E-WALLET FOR YOUR STUDENT
Homepage QR Code: Set up your E-Wallet today!!

River Ridge Library - Mrs. Tippett
Judy Tippett
815 858-9005 x320