Thank you to all who could join us for trivia! Here are the winners:
about 2 hours ago, Communications & Media Class
Congratulations to Makenzie Greenwald on being the 3rd quarter STEM winner of the Engineering Challenge. Her tower, built using only spaghetti noddles and marshmallows measured 22 inches high. Nice job!
about 13 hours ago, Peggy Trone
8th grade
☀️ ES and MS artwork brightens our hallways with bold and vibrant colors! ☀️ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ➊ 6th grade, Line Illusion ➋ 5th grade, Watercolor Portraits ➌ 8th grade, Chalk Form ➍ 5th grade, Watercolor Portraits ➎ 8th grade, Chalk Form ➏ 5th grade, Watercolor Portraits
1 day ago, julia lieb
6th grade
5th grade
8th grade
5th grade
8th grade
5th grade
Congratulations to Laiken Haas on this honor! 🏀
1 day ago, Communications & Media Class
Laiken haas
We had a VERY successful day at solo ensemble contest today! The band took first place in our class, and the choir took second in our class! River Ridge is sitting in first place overall in the tournament and the second half of the sweepstakes tournament will take place in Lena in April. A HUGE shout out to our wonderful accompanist Gloria Miner, Mary Steele, and Lana Crandall for playing for us! Without you this would not have been possible! #wildcatsmusicdepartment
1 day ago, Jacob Dickman
contest 1
contest 2
contest 3
percussion choir
The Introduction to Agriculture class is finishing up their unit on soils. They made Soil Dessert to resemble the different soil horizons.
1 day ago, Peggy Trone
Plants are in the greenhouse! The horticulture class has been hard at work planting the past two weeks. All the greenery makes it seem like spring is in the air!
6 days ago, Peggy Trone
Austin's Toy Drive has come to an end and boy did River Ridge show up!! Our goal for our school was 300 toys. We reached 627 total toys donated! Since we were the school that had the most toys, Austin and his family will be donating books to our school library (see below). Way to go Wildcats!!!
6 days ago, Krista Fry
Recognize any of the items from the Elementary post and found table? Let us know and we'll send it home!
6 days ago, Laura Kuzniar
L and F 1
L and F 2
L and F 3
L and F 4
L and F 5
L and F 6
L and F 7
L and F 8
Congratulations to the class winners of the PE badminton tournament from each class for 3rd-5th grades.   The tournament winners…Jayden and Amia... won the whole badminton tourney! Way to go!
6 days ago, Laura Kuzniar
Class winners of the badminton tournament
Tournament Winners!
Congratulations, Wildcats, on all-conference awards! 🏀
6 days ago, Communications & Media Class
We are still taking teams! Join us this Friday! Email your team confirmation to ASAP!
8 days ago, Communications & Media Class
Have you seen the show Crime Scene Kitchen? Foods students investigated what evidence was left behind and then figured out what to make. Groups did a great job looking for clues and completing the baking challenge!
8 days ago, codie Koester
Crime Scene Kitchen
Crime Scene Kitchen
Crime Scene Kitchen
Crime Scene Kitchen
Crime Scene Kitchen
Crime Scene Kitchen
Crime Scene Kitchen
Crime Scene Kitchen
Crime Scene Kitchen
Crime Scene Kitchen
✂️ Recent elem, middle, and high school artwork made with oil pastels, crayons, sand, colored pencils, & tissue paper! ✏️ More artwork is displayed on the wall between the middle and high school hallways (next to the staircase). • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 🔴 4th grade, tissue paper landscape 🔵 HS Art 2, geometric sand painting 🟢 7th grade, creature tessellation (puzzle) 🟡 6th grade, shapes composition 🟢 7th grade, fruit basket 🟡 6th grade, scrap paper sunset
8 days ago, julia lieb
4th grade
HS Art 2
7th grade
6th grade
7th grade
6th grade
The Physics class was challenged using Archimede's principle today to create a life raft to save as many "people" as possible based on certain restrictions. We are happy to announce that 86 "people" were saved by the top team. Every group did amazing and it was a fun day in the Science department.
11 days ago, Mr. Brian Wurster
The top team of Patterson/Mensendike creating their life raft.
The gentleman hard at work creating their life raft.
Congratulations to the FFA Poultry team on thier first place finish out of 10 teams at the section contest! We had fifteen River Ridge members compete for the HS and four for the Jr. High team. Katie Cobine was the high scorer for the night followed by Nick Cobine in 2nd, Natalie Keleher in 3rd, Ian Wachter in 6th and Sawyer Fry in 8th place. Sam Cobine was 4th overall in the Jr. High contest. Nice job everyone!
11 days ago, Peggy Trone
If you have questions please reach out to the Health Department or Nurse Haas.
11 days ago, Nurse Lisa
High School Track & Field Apparel Store is open until March 10th. Order soon!
11 days ago, Communications & Media Class
Textiles and Fashion finished up their unit by Tie Dying clothing!
11 days ago, codie Koester
Tie Dying
Tie Dying
Tie Dying
Tie Dying
Tie Dying
Tie Dying
Tie Dying
Tie Dying
It's game day!
13 days ago, Communications & Media Class
game day