4th Computers

Students will be accessing their daily work via Schoology. Parents, if you are interested in what your child has been doing, you can log-in to Schoology with your parent log-in and have "view-only" access to see the same thing your student sees. The only difference is that you cannot see your students work itself only their assignment directions and scores for graded work (or missing notations if work was not submitted).

We will be utilizing Typing Club for our lessons as the students learn the various keys of the QWERTY keyboard. Blank Slate is a website that allows students to practice typing; this will be used to recite keys to the students prior to lesson work being completed. The goal for this year is to be able to touch-type all letter keys, some punctuation, space and enter rather than have to hunt & peck. Again, they can log-in to Typing Club to show you their progress at any time.

Once a lesson has been completed for points in class, it can be practiced at home as well. Any practice will give your student stronger keyboarding skills. Feel free to ask them to show you what they can do (without looking, of course)! NOTE:  If students miss school on their designated computer day, they should ask to come up and see me to complete what they missed; Mr. Soat & Mrs. Walters are happy to send you up if you ask.


Tues & Thur

Wed & Fri