Happy Diwali: Festival of Lights! Our Fifth grade classes collaborated on their research to create informational posters, decorations and lights to celebrate this holiday from India.
about 2 years ago, Laura Kuzniar
Diwali informational posters
Lights and decorations of Diwali
Happy Diwali: Festival of Lights
Diwali decorations
Elementary has been learning about winter holidays from around the world. Each class has researched a different holiday, created decorations and provided information for all of us to learn more. It’s like a winter holiday museum in our elementary hallway! Today’s holiday is Diwali, a five day Festival of Lights from India, as presented by Fifth Grade.
about 2 years ago, Laura Kuzniar
Diwali Background information
Christmas compared to Diwali
Diwali Traditions
Diwali: A 5 Day Celebration
Hi all! A reminder that the Middle High School Christmas Concert is December 14th at 6 PM in the small gym. Students need to report to the band room by 5 PM. Students can wear festive Christmas attire, but please no sweats, blue jeans, leggings, or tee shirts with writing or pictures on them. If you have any questions please reach out to Mr. Dickman at jdickman@riverridge210.org Thanks!
about 2 years ago, Jacob Dickman
Dec 5th RRSM Girls Basketball at Milledgeville 6:00 VARSITY ONLY
about 2 years ago, WILDCAT ATHLETICS
Winter sports button/magnet orders are due tomorrow. Please drop them off in the MS/HS office.
about 2 years ago, Jen Laity
Winter button/magnet order reminder
Students in 7th grade STEM class were woodburning on their toolboxes today!
about 2 years ago, Peggy Trone
Woodburning students
Horticulture students are finishing up making thier Christmas wreaths this week! They look great!
about 2 years ago, Peggy Trone
Horticulture wreaths
Don't forget! The 8th Grade Class is hosting a Parents' Night Out event in December! All funds will go towards the 8th-Grade trip in the spring! Kindergarten through 5th-Grade students are allowed to attend! Registration forms are due back by this Friday, December 2nd. If you have any questions or your child needs a new registration form, please contact Mrs. Winders at ewinders@riverridge210.org
about 2 years ago, Emily Winders
Parents' Night Out Flyer
Parents' Night Out Flyer
Santa Store orders are due this Wednesday for preschool - 5th grade students. If you have misplaced your order form, please email: jlaity@riverridge210.org for another copy.
about 2 years ago, Jen Laity
Santa Store Order Reminder
Thank you to everyone who donated to the FFA Food Drive this year! The 2nd graders won the elementary class competition by donating a total of 175 items, just 7 more items than the 5th graders. Great job everyone!
about 2 years ago, Peggy Trone
Items collected for the food drive.
about 2 years ago, WILDCAT ATHLETICS
about 2 years ago, WILDCAT ATHLETICS
The ILMEA District 8 Band playing under the baton of Alex Kaminsky!! You’ll find Katie Cobine in the first clarinet section!!!!!
about 2 years ago, Jacob Dickman
district 8 sr band
The ILMEA District 8 Junior Band is making some wonderful music with a concert at 4 PM! Our very own Nick Cobine is sitting section leader for the trombones!!! Great job Nick!!!
about 2 years ago, Jacob Dickman
district 8 jr band
Mrs. Tippett's First Grade STEM Day!! Build a Turkey Truck to help him escape!
about 2 years ago, Judy Tippett
Turkey Truck
Turkey Truck
Turkey Truck
AFS/International Weekend was a huge success! We had 12 exchange students representing 10 different countries share presentations on Friday. Thank you to the local host families for hosting these students in your homes this weekend!
about 2 years ago, AFS / International Club
kids in the library
Japan presentation
Don't forget to sign your K-5th Grade student up for the Parents Night Out in December! Registration forms are due back by December 2nd. If you have any questions or your child needs a new registration form, please contact Mrs. Winders at ewinders@riverridge210.org
about 2 years ago, Emily Winders
Parents' Night Out Flyer
Parents' Night Out Flyer
Congratulations to the Jr. High FFA Dairy Foods team on their win at the section contest! We had three Jr. High members place in the top 10! The HS team did a nice job in placing 6th out of 14 teams.
about 2 years ago, Peggy Trone
Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
Team 4
What the heck is Hooke's Law??? Just ask any of the River Ridge Physics students how much their rubber band could hold during class today. They were even amazed!!!!
about 2 years ago, Mr. Brian Wurster
Physics students testing the elastic limits of a rubber band.
Physics students testing the elastic limits of their rubber band.
Students in the animal scince class learned hands-on in a dissection lab. We used cow eyes donated by Lena Maid Meats.
about 2 years ago, Peggy Trone
Dissecting eyes
Dissecting eyes