The 7th Grade Business Exploratory students are ending the quarter with a fun sales pitch game called Snake Oil. It's currently a 2-way tie for the lead with the game concluding tomorrow.
about 3 years ago, Jen Laity
Nick pitching to Aubree
Adrianna selling to Chloe
Working on the Great Depression today in class. The picture is the slide. Thought I could use a video to help though.
about 3 years ago, Mike Dittmar
Great Depression
The 6th grade Stem Class has been working really hard on designing their dragsters! Once completed, the students participated in a race and voted on the best design. The students enjoyed learning how to use the drill press, bandsaw, and an airbrush paint tool. Fastest Dragster: Garrett Leonard Best Design: Clara Gerlich
about 3 years ago, Emily Winders
3 students holding dragsters
2 students with best design winner and fastest dragster
3 students holding dragster cars
3 students holding dragsters
Masks on school buses will be optional starting Tuesday, March 1, 2022 following new CDC guidelines.
about 3 years ago, Colleen Fox
Congratulations to the National FFA Week coloring competition winners! These guys did a great job coloring their page and for their hard work, earned some candy!
about 3 years ago, Laura Kuzniar
three students from K-5 holding their coloring picture and candy they won for the FFA coloring competition
Due to Scales Mound advancing to the boys sectionals on Tuesday March 1 the MS girls basketball game vs Scales Mound is CANCELED
about 3 years ago, Shean Albrecht
JOB OPENINGS: River Ridge will begin interviewing for MS Social Studies and MS/HS Band positions very soon. If you are interested in either position please send your information to Mike Foltz via email: You can also call to inquire @ 8158589005
about 3 years ago, River Ridge CUSD #210
Art 2 students working on individual projects.
about 3 years ago, Rhonda Ransom
Jerry beading
junior on clay
Wendy painting a chair
Art 2 students working on a variety of projects
Juniors are selling Butter Braids to raise funds for their individual accounts in preparation for their senior class trip expenses. These hand-braided bundles of goodness will be delivered prior to Easter. Below is a link where LOCAL (due to delivery) family and friends may order if a junior hasn’t contacted you. Thanks for supporting our students!
about 3 years ago, Molly Mensendike
Butter Braid
Isaac and Arthur using their robotics knowledge learned in the Intro to Engineering class provide entertainment for our office staff.
about 3 years ago, Mr. Brian Wurster
Two students showing Moni their robots.
PTO Craft Fair Information. Follow the link below to fill out an application:
about 3 years ago, River Ridge CUSD 210
Middle school yearbook students had a working lunch today where they sorted through folders of elementary and middle school photos to push to the yearbook program.
about 3 years ago, Jen Laity
middle school yearbook students sort photos
Middle school yearbook students had a working lunch today where they sorted through folders of elementary and middle school photos to push to the yearbook program.
about 3 years ago, Jen Laity
Just a message from your friendly MS construction crew!
about 3 years ago, Rhonda Ransom
construction crew
We are thrilled to announce the new app for River Ridge! It's everything River Ridge, in your pocket. Download for Android and for iPhone
about 3 years ago, River Ridge CUSD 210
new app
T-R-O-P-H-Y That’s how you spell the prize Quinten Atutis earned by being the #1 speller in the Regional Spelling Bee! He’s headed to Washington, D.C. to compete against top spellers in the nation! Way to go, Quinten!
about 3 years ago, Laura Kuzniar
Quinten Atutis standing and smiling while holding the spelling bee trophy
And…. It’s all ready to fire! Clay week is almost complete!
about 3 years ago, Rhonda Ransom
clay in the kiln
Starting Thursday, February 24th from 9:30am to 12:30pm Jo Daviess County Health Department will be providing PCR Salvia based COVID-19 testing through Shield Illinois. In order to be tested, individuals will need to register for an online account on the Shield Illinois Portal at Please use df5brbrj as the agency code. Appointments can be scheduled on this website, but we will also take walk ins. To schedule an appointment an online account will need to be created where you will also review testing results. Please note your appointment cannot be made any more than 7 days in advance. However, for the first clinic on the 24th scheduling will not be available until day of testing clinic. If anyone needs assistance in setting up an account, creating appointments, or accessing their results they can contact the Shield Illinois Patient Support line at 217-265-6059. This is a free service for anyone and results will be available in your Shield Portal within 24 to 48 hours. Persons will need to present their ID and the QR provided when the appointment is scheduled. Please do not eat, drink or put anything in your mouth (no smoking, chewing gum, or using mouthwash) for one hour prior to your test. Jo Daviess County Health Department will offer Shield testing Tuesday’s from 12pm to 3pm and Thursday’s 9:30am to 12:30pm. Testing will be done in the lower level of the health department, please park in the lower parking lot and follow the signs. For more information about Shield Illinois Saliva Test please go to
about 3 years ago, Nurse Lisa
This week it is clay in Art Class
about 3 years ago, River Ridge CUSD 210
clay 1
clay 2
The Mobile Dentist will be at River Ridge 03/24/22. Reminder: All new, Kindergarten, 2nd, 6th and 9th grade students are required to have a dental exam on file by May 15th. This program will fulfill that requirement. MS/HS Signup Link: Elementary Signup Link:
about 3 years ago, Nurse Lisa
smile dentist