Quinten Atutis WINS THE REGIONAL SPELLING BEE sponsored by the Regional Office of Education #8. Congratulations to Quinten Atutis, 8th grader from River Ridge Elementary School. Quinten Atutis is the champion of the Regional Spelling Bee sponsored by the Regional Office of Education #8. The competition involved several spellers from area local schools. Due to the pandemic, the competition was a virtual event in which spellers participated through the Scripps Online Testing Platform. Quinten Atutis now advances to compete in the 2022 Scripps National Spelling Bee this summer near Washington, D.C. The semifinals are on June 1 and the finals are on June 2 and will be televised on national networks ION and Bounce and hosted by accomplished actor, director, educator and lifelong children’s literacy advocate LeVar Burton. In addition to qualifying for the national finals, Quinten Atutis also wins these prizes: 1st Place trophy from the Regional Office of Education #8. The Samuel Louis Sugarman Award. The Britannica Online Premium The Merriam-Webster Unabridged Online Travel expenses for winner and one guardian. The Regional Office of Education #8 has sponsored the regional bee event for 40 years. The competition encourages students to set goals and dedicate time to study and prepare. Participation also provides an opportunity for students to gain experience in public speaking and performing under pressure.
about 3 years ago, Laura Kuzniar
River Ridge is hosting a Mannys Share Night, Wednesday, March 2. Proceeds will support a scholarship and medical expenses for Travis.
about 3 years ago, River Ridge CUSD 210
share night
First graders, Bekham and Payton, work together to devise three different ways to cover the shapes with pattern blocks!
about 3 years ago, Natalie Byrne
First graders, Bekham and Payton, work together to devise three different ways to cover the shapes with pattern blocks!
Latest episode of This Week @ River Ridge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-RGNzx9vsw
about 3 years ago, RRAVLCUB
Let the Rehearsals Begin!! The Middle Drama Department has started preparing for the In-Person Performance of the melodrama, Villain Wore a Dirty Shirt. Performances will be March 24th & 25th at 7:00 pm. Get ready to cheer the hero and boo the villain!
about 3 years ago, MS Drama
Villain logo
Bethany Diederich was 1st place REGIONAL CHAMPION in the IHSA Speech Prose event and placed 2nd place in the Dramatic Interpretation. Logan Johnson placed 4th in Impromptu Speaking. Bethany and Logan both qualified for SPEECH SECTIONALS, which take place tomorrow in Dekalb, IL. CONGRATULATIONS and GOOD LUCK Bethany and Logan!!!
about 3 years ago, River Ridge CUSD #210
Speech winners
Ty Spahn "hanging out" next to his Spider-Man creation. Nice work Ty!!
about 3 years ago, River Ridge CUSD #210
Ty and Spiderman "hanging out"
Sixth grade students finished up their Google Drawing unit with a collaboration project during computers today. Students were given two partners to work on two different tic-tac-toe games. They designed the games and then played against each other from their own computers. To experience what collaboration can be like, they had to use comments to talk to each other as if they were in a different room but working at the same time.
about 3 years ago, Jen Laity
Tic-Tac-Toe Google Drawing
The Introduction to Engineering class completed the first phase of their Robotics Unit today by showing Mr. Foltz the "actions" that each robot could undergo. The class is instructed by Mr. Wurster as Robotics is an up and coming industry in our future world.
about 3 years ago, Mr. Brian Wurster
Engineering students show off their robots to Mr. Foltz.
Robotics with students at River Ridge
Spanish 4 Seniors submitted this video for Cuban musical artist Cimifunk's Cun Cun Prá Student Dance challenge. The first place winner will be visited by Cimifunk and his team!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7kN0nw6paM&t=1s
about 3 years ago, Profe Nicholas
Watch RRAVLCUB's latest episode 1/28/22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0rLWkw4E9g
about 3 years ago, RRAVLCUB
Check out Mrs. Bingham’s badminton champions! Shout out to Dylan Diehl for winning the Golden Racquet Bracket! Thanks to Ty Spahn for making the trophy. 🏸🏆🐾
about 3 years ago, Kate Bingham
Dylan Diehl with the golden racquet bracket trophy
various winners of middle school and high school badminton tournaments
Watch AVCLUB's latest news episode from 1/21/22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QuQCS09qTw
about 3 years ago, RRAVLCUB
The Middle School Business class is busy cutting and pressing magnets this week for Thursday night's High School girls' basketball game where these magnets will be available for $5 along with a silent auction of amazing baskets. All sales will go to the Hartman family.
about 3 years ago, Jen Laity
Aubree places the sticky magnet on as Nick cuts and Andrew presses.
Nick make sure to cut precisely.  In the background Emily loads magnet backs while Andrew loads the fronts.
Beautiful sunflower magnets to honor an amazing teacher lost too soon, Mrs. Hartman.
The Young Investors Club met again today to discuss ways to invest their future earnings. The club is directed by Mr. Wurster who enjoys investing himself.
about 3 years ago, Mr. Brian Wurster
A group of young investors with Mr. Wurster.
A group of young investors holding some  money.
The Chemistry classes conducting Flame Tests with different metals in the high school science lab today.
about 3 years ago, Mr. Brian Wurster
Mr. Wurster demonstrating with a bright white flame.
One group showing a bright red flame.
Nick Schnitzler conducting one of the tests.
Academic Bowl Team traveled to Rockford to compete in the Bergstrom Stateline Quizbowl
about 3 years ago, Academic Bowl
Academic Bowl team competing in the Bergstrom Stateline Quizbowl
Here are some pictures from today's Holiday Scavenger Hunt at River Ridge...a SPECIAL THANKS to our HS Student Council Advisors (Molly Mensendike, Susan Miles, April Einsweiler and Candy Stewart) for the planning of this event!!! A fun finish to 2021....hoping for a wonderful 2nd semester in 2022!!!
about 3 years ago, River Ridge CUSD 210
students with clue 2 high fiving
students and faculty lined up with hands up
students holding 2 fingers up
students with clue 2
April 13th - State Testing for 9-11th grade. Juniors - SAT
about 3 years ago, River Ridge CUSD 210
April 5th - Optional ACT for Juniors
about 3 years ago, River Ridge CUSD 210